Package path

Interface Summary
EdgeIterator An EdgeIterator is an object which iterates over edges in a PolygonalPath.
Path A Path is a PolygonalPath so that the curves (Segments) between the vertices are again paths, which we call sub-paths.
PathIterator A PathIterator iterates over the sub-paths of a Path.
PolygonalPath A PolygonalPath is a sequence of edges.

Class Summary
KochSnowflakeExample This implements the famous Koch Snowflake.
PathUtil Some useful functions for working with Paths and PolygonalPaths.
PolygonalApproximation Construct a new polygonal path which iterates through sub-paths at a certain depth.
SubstitutionFractal A substitution fractal is the limit of a sequence of polygonal approximations.
UnitCircleExample This demonstrates of the Path interface by constructing a circle.
VertexPath A VertexPath is a polygonal path which is constructed from a list of vertices.

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