Math 46300/A6300: Course Learning Outcomes

Catalog description

A course in general topology. Topological spaces: metric spaces, subspaces, continuous maps, connectedness, separation axioms; topological vector spaces: Hilbert spaces, Banach space, Frechet spaces; the quotient topology or identification spaces: the classification of two-dimensional manifolds; fundamental group and covering spaces; covering spaces of graphs: applications to group theory.

Textbooks used

Other sources such as exerpts from other textbooks, or parts of other freely available textbooks may be used as well.

Topics covered

I tentatively plan to cover at least the following topics:

Course assessment tools

See the syllabus for more details including information on how your course grade will be computed.

Course learning outcomes:

After taking this course, the students should be able to: Contributes to Departmental learning outcome(s):
1) Write clear and rigorous proofs (or disproofs) of mathematical statements concerning general topology. e1, e2, f, g
2) Understand basic definitions and properties of topological spaces, such as connectedness, compactness, the various separation properties, the fundamental group and covering spaces. e1, f, g
3) Compute the fundamental group of various simply presented spaces. a, d, e1, e2
4) Understand and work with various examples of topological spaces, including spaces constructed by various means including by subspaces, products, and topological quotients. a, b, c, e2, g

Departmental learning outcomes:

The mathematics department, in its varied courses, aims to teach students to:

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