Working with COVID-19 data

The Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE) is collecting data on COVID-19 cases. They use this data to run their well known COVID-19 Dashboard.

They are publically sharing the data they are compiling. This data is posted to GitHub so that anyone can download it and work with it.

I downloaded this data using git, a popular program used by computer programmers for synchronizing data. If you know some git you can do the same as me. Use a terminal to go to a directory where you'd like to store the data, and run the command:

git clone

This will create a new directory titled COVID-19 that contains all the files. If you want to update your directory, you can enter that directory and execute the command:

git pull

You can accomplish the same thing while avoiding using git. Go to the CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 GitHub website. You'll see a green Clone or download button. Click it and then select "Download ZIP". You will then be prompted to download a ZIP file of all the data. You can unzip that file to get the COVID-19 data directory. Later when you want to update the data, you can download the zip file again and replace your directory.

In [1]:
# Standard imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math as m
from mpmath import mp, iv

# For working with files:
import os
# For working with CSV files:
import csv


We first define a string jhu_data_directory that points to the data we downloaded. In my case to get to the data from the directory containing the notebook, I have to go up one level and then into the COVID-19 directory.

In [2]:
jhu_data_directory = "../COVID-19"

Below we run some basic tests on the data. You'll get errors if the data is not present at this location.

In [3]:
# Tests for the data directory
assert os.path.isdir(jhu_data_directory), \
    "jhu_data_directory is not a directory"
assert os.path.isdir(jhu_data_directory+"/csse_covid_19_data"), \
    'jhu_data_directory+"/csse_covid_19_data" is not a directory'
time_series_directory = jhu_data_directory+"/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series"
assert os.path.isdir(time_series_directory), \
    'jhu_data_directory+"/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series" is not a directory'

We will search the following files for data:

In [4]:
confirmed_data_file = time_series_directory + "/time_series_19-covid-Confirmed.csv"
deaths_data_file = time_series_directory + "/time_series_19-covid-Deaths.csv"
recovered_data_file = time_series_directory + "/time_series_19-covid-Recovered.csv"

data_files = [confirmed_data_file, deaths_data_file, recovered_data_file]
for file in data_files:
    assert os.path.isfile(file), file + " is not a file."

Reading data from the files

The data files listed above are comma-separated values (CSV) files. You can open them with a text editor to see the data. Alternately, you can open then with a spreadsheet program.

Python has a module for working with CSV files. Here is a link to the documentation:

We can load the library with:

In [5]:
import csv

We can open a file for reading with the following command:

In [6]:
# Open a file for reading:
csvfile = open(confirmed_data_file)
# Create a CSV reader to process the open file
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)

Calling next(reader) returns a single list containing the first row of the data. In this case, the first row is header data describing the corresponding rows. See below.

In [7]:
row = next(reader)
for entry in row:
    print(entry, end="; ")
Province/State; Country/Region; Lat; Long; 1/22/20; 1/23/20; 1/24/20; 1/25/20; 1/26/20; 1/27/20; 1/28/20; 1/29/20; 1/30/20; 1/31/20; 2/1/20; 2/2/20; 2/3/20; 2/4/20; 2/5/20; 2/6/20; 2/7/20; 2/8/20; 2/9/20; 2/10/20; 2/11/20; 2/12/20; 2/13/20; 2/14/20; 2/15/20; 2/16/20; 2/17/20; 2/18/20; 2/19/20; 2/20/20; 2/21/20; 2/22/20; 2/23/20; 2/24/20; 2/25/20; 2/26/20; 2/27/20; 2/28/20; 2/29/20; 3/1/20; 3/2/20; 3/3/20; 3/4/20; 3/5/20; 3/6/20; 3/7/20; 3/8/20; 3/9/20; 3/10/20; 3/11/20; 3/12/20; 3/13/20; 3/14/20; 3/15/20; 3/16/20; 3/17/20; 

You can see from the above that future rows will consist of row[0] a State (or a Province), row[1] a Country or a Region, row[2] a lattitude, row[3] a longitude, and data corresponding to each day starting on January 22, 2020 and ending at some point. Since this is the confirmed_data_file, this lists the total number of confirmed cases by day. We'll store the list of days in a variable:

In [8]:
day_list = row[4:]
for day in day_list:
    print(day, end="; ")
1/22/20; 1/23/20; 1/24/20; 1/25/20; 1/26/20; 1/27/20; 1/28/20; 1/29/20; 1/30/20; 1/31/20; 2/1/20; 2/2/20; 2/3/20; 2/4/20; 2/5/20; 2/6/20; 2/7/20; 2/8/20; 2/9/20; 2/10/20; 2/11/20; 2/12/20; 2/13/20; 2/14/20; 2/15/20; 2/16/20; 2/17/20; 2/18/20; 2/19/20; 2/20/20; 2/21/20; 2/22/20; 2/23/20; 2/24/20; 2/25/20; 2/26/20; 2/27/20; 2/28/20; 2/29/20; 3/1/20; 3/2/20; 3/3/20; 3/4/20; 3/5/20; 3/6/20; 3/7/20; 3/8/20; 3/9/20; 3/10/20; 3/11/20; 3/12/20; 3/13/20; 3/14/20; 3/15/20; 3/16/20; 3/17/20; 

Now lets look at the next row:

In [9]:
row = next(reader)
for entry in row:
    print(entry, end="; ")
; Thailand; 15; 101; 2; 3; 5; 7; 8; 8; 14; 14; 14; 19; 19; 19; 19; 25; 25; 25; 25; 32; 32; 32; 33; 33; 33; 33; 33; 34; 35; 35; 35; 35; 35; 35; 35; 35; 37; 40; 40; 41; 42; 42; 43; 43; 43; 47; 48; 50; 50; 50; 53; 59; 70; 75; 82; 114; 147; 177; 
In [10]:
int(row[-1]) - int(row[-2])

We see that the second row in the file corresponds to Thailand. The entries 15 and 101 are lattitude and longitude for Thailand and the other entries are the number of confirmed cases for each day as above. So the number of confirmed cases on the first day is given by:

In [11]:

Observe that this is a string. So, we'd be better of converting it to an integer with int(row[4]). To get all the confirmed days from the row as int, we can do the following:

In [12]:
thailand_confirmed_cases = []
for count in row[4:]:
In [13]:

We can continue reading rows in this way. When there is no further row, next(reader) will raise a StopIteration exception. Let us close the file:

In [14]:

Organizing the list of countries and states

I want to give a printout of each country and the corresponding states. Here I form a list of pairs (state, country):

In [15]:
state_country_pairs = []
# Open a file for reading:
csvfile = open(confirmed_data_file)
# Create a CSV reader to process the open file
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
# Skip the header line:
    while True:
        row = next(reader)
        state_country_pairs.append((row[0], row[1]))
except StopIteration:

Below, I form a dictionary country_dict mapping countries to a list of states. (We haven't discussed dictionaries yet, but you can learn about them in the Python 3 Tutorial.) I also form a sorted list of countries.

In [16]:
country_dict = {}
for state, country in state_country_pairs:
    if country in country_dict:
        country_dict[country] = [state]
countries = []
for country in country_dict:
for country in countries:
    print(country, end=": ")
    for state in country_dict[country]:
        print(state, end="; ")
Afghanistan: ; 
Albania: ; 
Algeria: ; 
Andorra: ; 
Antigua and Barbuda: ; 
Argentina: ; 
Armenia: ; 
Aruba: ; 
Australia: Australian Capital Territory; From Diamond Princess; New South Wales; Northern Territory; Queensland; South Australia; Tasmania; Victoria; Western Australia; 
Austria: ; 
Azerbaijan: ; 
Bahrain: ; 
Bangladesh: ; 
Barbados: ; 
Belarus: ; 
Belgium: ; 
Benin: ; 
Bhutan: ; 
Bolivia: ; 
Bosnia and Herzegovina: ; 
Brazil: ; 
Brunei: ; 
Bulgaria: ; 
Burkina Faso: ; 
Cambodia: ; 
Cameroon: ; 
Canada: Alberta; British Columbia; Grand Princess; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Nova Scotia; Ontario; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; 
Central African Republic: ; 
Chile: ; 
China: Anhui; Beijing; Chongqing; Fujian; Gansu; Guangdong; Guangxi; Guizhou; Hainan; Hebei; Heilongjiang; Henan; Hong Kong; Hubei; Hunan; Inner Mongolia; Jiangsu; Jiangxi; Jilin; Liaoning; Macau; Ningxia; Qinghai; Shaanxi; Shandong; Shanghai; Shanxi; Sichuan; Tianjin; Tibet; Xinjiang; Yunnan; Zhejiang; 
Colombia: ; 
Congo (Brazzaville): ; 
Congo (Kinshasa): ; 
Costa Rica: ; 
Cote d'Ivoire: ; 
Croatia: ; 
Cruise Ship: Diamond Princess; 
Cuba: ; 
Cyprus: ; 
Czechia: ; 
Denmark: Denmark; Faroe Islands; 
Dominican Republic: ; 
Ecuador: ; 
Egypt: ; 
Equatorial Guinea: ; 
Estonia: ; 
Eswatini: ; 
Ethiopia: ; 
Finland: ; 
France: France; French Guiana; French Polynesia; Guadeloupe; Mayotte; Reunion; Saint Barthelemy; St Martin; 
Gabon: ; 
Georgia: ; 
Germany: ; 
Ghana: ; 
Greece: ; 
Greenland: ; 
Guatemala: ; 
Guernsey: ; 
Guinea: ; 
Guyana: ; 
Holy See: ; 
Honduras: ; 
Hungary: ; 
Iceland: ; 
India: ; 
Indonesia: ; 
Iran: ; 
Iraq: ; 
Ireland: ; 
Israel: ; 
Italy: ; 
Jamaica: ; 
Japan: ; 
Jersey: ; 
Jordan: ; 
Kazakhstan: ; 
Kenya: ; 
Korea, South: ; 
Kosovo: ; 
Kuwait: ; 
Latvia: ; 
Lebanon: ; 
Liberia: ; 
Liechtenstein: ; 
Lithuania: ; 
Luxembourg: ; 
Malaysia: ; 
Maldives: ; 
Malta: ; 
Martinique: ; 
Mauritania: ; 
Mexico: ; 
Moldova: ; 
Monaco: ; 
Mongolia: ; 
Montenegro: ; 
Morocco: ; 
Namibia: ; 
Nepal: ; 
Netherlands: Curacao; Netherlands; 
New Zealand: ; 
Nigeria: ; 
North Macedonia: ; 
Norway: ; 
Oman: ; 
Pakistan: ; 
Panama: ; 
Paraguay: ; 
Peru: ; 
Philippines: ; 
Poland: ; 
Portugal: ; 
Qatar: ; 
Republic of the Congo: ; 
Romania: ; 
Russia: ; 
Rwanda: ; 
Saint Lucia: ; 
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: ; 
San Marino: ; 
Saudi Arabia: ; 
Senegal: ; 
Serbia: ; 
Seychelles: ; 
Singapore: ; 
Slovakia: ; 
Slovenia: ; 
Somalia: ; 
South Africa: ; 
Spain: ; 
Sri Lanka: ; 
Sudan: ; 
Suriname: ; 
Sweden: ; 
Switzerland: ; 
Taiwan*: ; 
Tanzania: ; 
Thailand: ; 
The Bahamas: ; 
The Gambia: ; 
Togo: ; 
Trinidad and Tobago: ; 
Tunisia: ; 
Turkey: ; 
US: Adams, IN; Alabama; Alachua, FL; Alameda County, CA; Alaska; Anoka, MN; Arapahoe, CO; Arizona; Arkansas; Arlington, VA; Beadle, SD; Bennington County, VT; Bergen County, NJ; Berkshire County, MA; Bernalillo, NM; Bon Homme, SD; Boone, IN; Broward County, FL; Bucks, PA; Burlington, NJ; Calaveras, CA; California; Camden, NC; Camden, NJ; Carver County, MN; Charles Mix, SD; Charleston County, SC; Charlotte County, FL; Charlton, GA; Chatham County, NC; Cherokee County, GA; Clark County, NV; Clark County, WA; Cobb County, GA; Collier, FL; Collin County, TX; Colorado; Connecticut; Contra Costa County, CA; Cook County, IL; Cuyahoga, OH; Dallas, TX; Dane, WI; Davidson County, TN; Davis County, UT; Davison, SD; DeKalb, GA; Delaware; Delaware County, PA; Denver County, CO; Deschutes, OR; Diamond Princess; District of Columbia; Douglas County, CO; Douglas County, NE; Douglas County, OR; Eagle, CO; El Paso County, CO; Essex, MA; Fairfax County, VA; Fairfield, CT; Fayette County, KY; Fayette, GA; Florida; Floyd, GA; Fort Bend County, TX; Fresno County, CA; Fulton County, GA; Georgia; Grafton County, NH; Grand Princess; Grant County, WA; Gregg, TX; Guam; Gunnison, CO; Gwinnett, GA; Hanover, VA; Harford County, MD; Harris County, TX; Harrison County, KY; Hawaii; Hendricks County, IN; Hillsborough, FL; Honolulu County, HI; Howard, IN; Hudson County, NJ; Humboldt County, CA; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Island, WA; Jackson County, OR ; Jefferson County, KY; Jefferson County, WA; Jefferson Parish, LA; Jefferson, CO; Johnson County, IA; Johnson County, KS; Johnson, IN; Kane, IL; Kansas; Kentucky; Kershaw County, SC; King County, WA; Kitsap, WA; Kittitas County, WA; Klamath County, OR; Knox, NE; Lake, IL; Lancaster, SC; Larimer, CO; Lee County, FL; Litchfield, CT; Los Angeles, CA; Loudoun, VA; Louisiana; Madera County, CA; Maine; Manatee County, FL; Maricopa County, AZ; Marin, CA; Marion County, IN; Marion County, OR; Maryland; Massachusetts; McHenry, IL; Michigan; Middlesex County, MA; Middlesex, NJ; Minnehaha, SD; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Monmouth, NJ; Monroe, PA; Montana; Montgomery County, MD; Montgomery County, PA; Montgomery, TX; Multnomah, OR; Napa, CA; Nassau County, NY; Nassau, FL; Nebraska; Nevada; New Castle, DE; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; New York County, NY; Noble, IN; Norfolk County, MA; Norfolk, VA; North Carolina; North Dakota; Oakland, MI; Ohio; Okaloosa County, FL; Oklahoma; Olmsted, MN; Orange County, CA; Oregon; Orleans, LA; Pasco, FL; Passaic, NJ; Pennington, SD; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA; Pierce County, WA; Pierce, WI; Pima, AZ; Pinal County, AZ; Pinellas, FL; Placer County, CA; Polk County, GA; Polk, OR; Pottawattamie, IA; Prince George's, MD; Providence County, RI; Puerto Rico; Ramsey County, MN; Rhode Island; Riverside County, CA; Rockingham County, NH; Rockland County, NY; Sacramento County, CA; San Benito, CA; San Diego County, CA; San Francisco County, CA; San Joaquin, CA; San Mateo, CA; Santa Clara County, CA; Santa Cruz, CA; Santa Rosa County, FL; Saratoga County, NY; Shasta County, CA; Shelby County, TN; Skagit, WA; Snohomish County, WA; Socorro, NM; Solano, CA; Sonoma County, CA; South Carolina; South Dakota; Spartanburg County, SC; Spotsylvania, VA; St. Joseph, IN; St. Louis County, MO; Stanislaus, CA; Stark, OH; Suffolk County, MA; Suffolk County, NY; Sullivan, TN; Summit County, CO; Summit, UT; Tarrant, TX; Tennessee; Texas; Thurston, WA; Tulsa County, OK; Ulster County, NY; Umatilla, OR; Union, NJ; Utah; Ventura, CA; Vermont; Virgin Islands; Virginia; Volusia County, FL; Wake County, NC; Washington; Washington County, OR; Washington, D.C.; Washoe County, NV; Wayne County, PA; Wayne, MI; Weber, UT; West Virginia; Westchester County, NY; Whatcom, WA; Williamson County, TN; Wisconsin; Worcester, MA; Wyoming; Yolo County, CA; 
Ukraine: ; 
United Arab Emirates: ; 
United Kingdom: Cayman Islands; Channel Islands; Gibraltar; United Kingdom; 
Uruguay: ; 
Uzbekistan: ; 
Venezuela: ; 
Vietnam: ; 

The number of cases:

It seems that every row has a country (or regions), while some don't have states (or provinces).

In [17]:
def confirmed_cases(state, country):
    # Open a file for reading:
    csvfile = open(confirmed_data_file)
    # Create a CSV reader to process the open file
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        while True:
            row = next(reader)
            if row[1]==country and row[0]==state:
                # Just return data for each day.
                cases = []
                for num in row[4:]:
                return np.array(cases)
    except StopIteration:
        raise ValueError("Didn't find row with state='{}' and country='{}'" \
                        .format(state, country))
In [18]:
confirmed = confirmed_cases("", "Korea, South")
plt.title("Confirmed cases: South Korea")
[   1    1    2    2    3    4    4    4    4   11   12   15   15   16
   19   23   24   24   25   27   28   28   28   28   28   29   30   31
   31  104  204  433  602  833  977 1261 1766 2337 3150 3736 4335 5186
 5621 6088 6593 7041 7314 7478 7513 7755 7869 7979 8086 8162 8236 8320]
In [19]:
confirmed = confirmed_cases("New York", "US")
plt.title("Confirmed cases: New York")
[   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0  173  220  328  421  525  732  967 1706]
In [20]:
confirmed = confirmed_cases("", "Italy")
plt.title("Confirmed cases: Italy")
[    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     2     2     2
     2     2     2     2     3     3     3     3     3     3     3     3
     3     3     3     3     3     3    20    62   155   229   322   453
   655   888  1128  1694  2036  2502  3089  3858  4636  5883  7375  9172
 10149 12462 12462 17660 21157 24747 27980 31506]

Deaths and Recovered:

We can create similar functions for handling deaths and recovered. This data is stored in the files whose locations we stored off in deaths_data_file and recovered_data_file.

In [21]:
def deaths_cases(state, country):
    # Open a file for reading:
    csvfile = open(deaths_data_file)
    # Create a CSV reader to process the open file
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        while True:
            row = next(reader)
            if row[1]==country and row[0]==state:
                # Just return data for each day.
                cases = []
                for num in row[4:]:
                return np.array(cases)
    except StopIteration:
        raise ValueError("Didn't find row with state='{}' and country='{}'" \
                        .format(state, country))
        return None

def recovered_cases(state, country):
    # Open a file for reading:
    csvfile = open(recovered_data_file)
    # Create a CSV reader to process the open file
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        while True:
            row = next(reader)
            if row[1]==country and row[0]==state:
                # Just return data for each day.
                cases = []
                for num in row[4:]:
                return np.array(cases)
    except StopIteration:
        raise ValueError("Didn't find row with state='{}' and country='{}'" \
                        .format(state, country))
        return None
In [22]:
state = ""
country = "Korea, South"
confirmed = confirmed_cases(state, country)
deaths = deaths_cases(state, country)
recovered = recovered_cases(state, country)
plt.title("South Korea")
In [23]:
active = confirmed - deaths - recovered
plt.title("South Korea: Active Cases")
In [24]:
state = "Hubei"
country = "China"
confirmed = confirmed_cases(state, country)
deaths = deaths_cases(state, country)
recovered = recovered_cases(state, country)
plt.title("Hubei, China")
In [25]:
active = confirmed - deaths - recovered
plt.title("China: Active Cases")

New York and Maryland: New cases by day

We'd like to compare the number of new COVID-19 cases by day in New York and Maryland.

In [26]:
# Get the number of confirmed cases in NY and MD.
state = "New York"
country = "US"
confirmed_NY = confirmed_cases(state, country)
state = "Maryland"
confirmed_MD = confirmed_cases(state, country)
array([ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
        0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
        0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  8,  9, 12,
       18, 26, 32, 41, 60])
In [27]:
# We set start to the index of the last zero entry.
# (The number of confirmed cases is increases over time.)
for i in range(len(confirmed_NY)):
    if confirmed_NY[i] > 0:
start = i - 1
In [28]:
# Here we get the days indexed begining with `start`.
In [29]:
# Here we throw out the initial zeros in the NY data.
confirmed_NY = confirmed_NY[start:]
# We throw out the same days for MD.
confirmed_MD = confirmed_MD[start:]
In [30]:
# Here is the number of new cases each day in NY
delta_NY = confirmed_NY[1:] - confirmed_NY[:-1]
# Here is the number of new cases each day in MD
delta_MD = confirmed_MD[1:] - confirmed_MD[:-1]
array([ 8,  1,  3,  6,  8,  6,  9, 19])

Now we can plot the data.

In [31]:
plot_NY, = plt.plot(range(10,18), delta_NY,"ob", label="NY")
plot_MD, = plt.plot(range(10,18), delta_MD,"or", label = "MD")
plt.title("New cases per day, March 2020")
# Create a legend for the first line.
legend = plt.legend(handles=[plot_NY,plot_MD], loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel("Day in March")
plt.ylabel("Number of new cases")