Bounding boxes

Finding the bounding box

By scripting you can access the bounding box for a graphical element. This is the bounding box in the coordinate system of the element.

The following demonstrates this for our pumpkin.

image of a circle
Your browser did not display the SVG image. It is showing a standard image as a fallback.
Source of pumpkin-bbox.svg:Hide line numbers
01: <svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full"
02:      xmlns="" 
03:      width="202px" height="212px" viewBox="-121 -131 242 252"
04:      onload="setup()">
06: <script type="text/ecmascript">
07: // <![CDATA[
09: function setup(evt){
10:    var pumpkin = document.getElementById("pumpkin");
11:    var bbox = pumpkin.getBBox();
13:    var box = document.getElementById("pumpkinBox");
14:    box.setAttributeNS(null, "x", bbox.x);
15:    box.setAttributeNS(null, "y", bbox.y);
16:    box.setAttributeNS(null, "width", bbox.width);
17:    box.setAttributeNS(null, "height", bbox.height);
18: }
20: // ]]>
21: </script>
23: <rect id="pumpkinBox" stroke="red" stroke-width="3px" fill="none"/>
24: <g id="pumpkin">
25:    <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fill="orange" stroke="black" stroke-width="1px"/>
26:    <rect x="-10" y="-110" width="20" height="20" fill="darkgreen" stroke="black" stroke-width="1px"/>
27:    <circle cx="-30" cy="-30" r="20" fill="black"/>
28:    <circle cx="30" cy="-30" r="20" fill="black"/>
29:    <polygon points="0,0 20,25 -20,25" fill="black"/>
30:   <line x1="-60" y1="60" x2="60" y2="60" stroke-width="10px" stroke="black"/>
31: </g>
33: </svg>

Using it with text

The following example adds a box around the rectangular links used to change the number of sides of the polygon.

The following example updates the example from the page on Adding and removing tags.

image of a circle
Your browser did not display the SVG image. It is showing a standard image as a fallback.
Source of regular_polygons2.svg:Hide line numbers
01: <svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full"
02:      xmlns=""       
03:      width="500px" height="530px" viewBox="0 0 500 530"
04:      font-family="Times, serif" font-size="20px" onload="setup()">
06: <script>
07: // <![CDATA[
09: var sides=4;
10: var svgNS = "";
12: function decrease(evt){
13:    if (sides > 3) {
14:       sides = sides - 1;
15:       updateShape();
16:    }
17: }
19: function increase(evt){
20:    sides = sides + 1;
21:    updateShape();
22: }
24: function updateShape() {   
25:    var sidesText = document.getElementById("sides");
26:    sidesText.firstChild.nodeValue = "" + sides;
28:    var oldpolygon=document.getElementById("Polygon");
29:    var parent = oldpolygon.parentNode;   
30:    parent.removeChild(oldpolygon);
32:    var newpolygon = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "polygon");
34:    var points = "";
35:    var i=0;
36:    while (i < sides) {
37:       points = points + Math.cos(2*Math.PI*i/sides) + "," + Math.sin(2*Math.PI*i/sides) + " ";
38:       i = i + 1;
39:    }
40:    newpolygon.setAttributeNS(null, "points", points);
41:    newpolygon.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "Polygon");   
43:    parent.appendChild(newpolygon);
44: }
46: function updateBBox(id) {
47:    var text = document.getElementById(id);
48:    var bbox = text.getBBox();
50:    var box = document.getElementById(id+"Box");
51:    box.setAttributeNS(null, "x", bbox.x-2);
52:    box.setAttributeNS(null, "y", bbox.y-2);
53:    box.setAttributeNS(null, "width", bbox.width+4);
54:    box.setAttributeNS(null, "height", bbox.height+4);
55: }
57: function setup() {
58:    updateBBox("increase");
59:    updateBBox("decrease");   
60: }
62: // ]]>
63: </script>
65: <text x="250" y="20" text-anchor="middle" fill="black" pointer-events="none">This is a regular <tspan id="sides">4</tspan>-gon.</text>
66: <g transform="translate(250,280) scale(248)" stroke="red" fill="yellow" stroke-width="0.008px">
67:    <polygon id="Polygon" points="1,0 0,1 -1,0 0,-1"/>
68: </g>
69: <g onclick="decrease(evt)" cursor="pointer">
70:    <rect id="decreaseBox" fill="lightgreen" stroke="green" stroke-width="1px"/>
71:    <text id="decrease" x="10" y="40" text-anchor="start" fill="blue">Fewer sides!</text>
72: </g>
73: <g onclick="increase(evt)" cursor="pointer">
74:    <rect id="increaseBox" fill="lightgreen" stroke="green" stroke-width="1px"/>
75:    <text id="increase" x="490" y="40" text-anchor="end" fill="blue">More sides!</text>
76: </g>
77: </svg>

Technical explanation

Each graphical element in an SVG document has a function called bbox() which returns the objects bounding box. (This function is defined in the SVGLocatable interface which every graphical element inherits from.) This function returns an SVGRect, which stores the data for a rectangle. This data can be accessed from an object named rect by writing rect.x, rect.y, rect.width and rect.height.


This presentation is part of a SVG Tutorial for Mathematics Students.

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