Source code for graphical.polygon

from geometry.polygon import Polygon
from geometry.similarity import SimilarityGroup
from geometry.translation import TranslationGroup
from sage.rings.real_double import RDF
from sage.modules.free_module import VectorSpace

V = VectorSpace(RDF, 2)

[docs]class GraphicalPolygon: r""" Stores data necessary to draw one of the polygons from a surface. """ def __init__(self, polygon, transformation=None, outline_color=None, fill_color="#ccc"): self._p=polygon self.set_transformation(transformation) # Store colors self.set_outline_color(outline_color) self.set_fill_color(fill_color)
[docs] def base_ring(self): return self._p.base_ring()
field = base_ring def _repr_(self): r""" String representation. """ return "Graphical Polygon based on "+repr(self._p)
[docs] def base_polygon(self): return self._p
[docs] def minx(self): r""" Return the minimal x-coordinate of a vertex. """ return min([v[0] for v in self.vertices()])
[docs] def miny(self): r""" Return the minimal y-coordinate of a vertex. """ return min([v[1] for v in self.vertices()])
[docs] def maxx(self): r""" Return the maximal x-coordinate of a vertex. """ return max([v[0] for v in self.vertices()])
[docs] def maxy(self): r""" Return the minimal y-coordinate of a vertex. """ return max([v[1] for v in self.vertices()])
[docs] def bounding_box(self): r""" Return the quadruple (x1,y1,x2,y2) where x1 and y1 are the minimal x- and y-coordinates and x2 and y2 are the maximal x-and y- cordinates.""" return self.minx(), self.miny(), self.maxx(), self.maxy()
[docs] def transformed_vertex(self, e): return self._transformation(self._p.vertex(e))
[docs] def transform(self, point, field=None): r""" Return the transformation of point into graphical coordinates. """ if self._transformation is None: return V(point) else: return V(self._transformation(point))
[docs] def transformation(self): r""" Return the transformation (similarity) which converts from mathematical to graphical coordinates. """ return self._transformation
[docs] def set_transformation(self,transformation): r"""Set the transformation to be applied to the polygon.""" if transformation is None: self._transformation=TranslationGroup(self._p.base_ring()).one() else: self._transformation=transformation # Cache the location of vertices: self._v = [V(self._transformation(v)) for v in self._p.vertices()]
[docs] def set_fill_color(self,fill_color): r""" Set the fill color. """ self._fill_color=fill_color
[docs] def set_outline_color(self,outline_color): r""" Set the outline color. """ self._outline_color=outline_color
[docs] def num_edges(self): return self._p.num_edges()
[docs] def vertices(self): r"""Return the vertices of the polygon as viewed through the transformation and converted to a list of points in VectorSpace(RDF, 2).""" return self._v
[docs] def plot(self): r"""Returns a plot of the GraphicalPolygon. EXAMPLES:: sage: from geometry.similarity_surface_generators import SimilaritySurfaceGenerators sage: s=SimilaritySurfaceGenerators.example() sage: from graphical.surface import GraphicalSurface sage: gs=GraphicalSurface(s) sage: gs.graphical_polygon(0).set_fill_color("red") sage: show(gs.graphical_polygon(0).plot()) Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive """ from sage.plot.point import point2d from sage.plot.polygon import polygon2d v = self.vertices() from import Graphics p = Graphics() if not self._fill_color is None: if self._outline_color is None: p = polygon2d(self.vertices(), color=self._fill_color,axes=False) else: p = polygon2d(self.vertices(), color=self._fill_color,edgecolor=self._outline_color,axes=False) elif not self._outline_color is None: p = polygon2d(self.vertices(), color=self._outline_color,axes=False,fill=False) return p
[docs] def plot_edge(self, e, color=None, dotted=False): ne=self.num_edges() if color==None: color=self._outline_color if color==None: from import Graphics return Graphics() from sage.plot.line import line2d v=self.vertices()[e] w=self.vertices()[(e+1)%ne] if dotted: return line2d([(v[0],v[1]), (w[0],w[1])],color=color,linestyle=":") else: return line2d([(v[0],v[1]), (w[0],w[1])],color=color)