Source code for geometry.tangent_bundle

from geometry.polygon import *

[docs]class SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector: def __init__(self, tangent_bundle, polygon_label, point, vector): self._bundle=tangent_bundle p=self.surface().polygon(polygon_label) pos=p.get_point_position(point) if vector == self._bundle.vector_space().zero(): raise ValueError("Provided vector is zero. (Temporarily not supported.)") if pos.is_in_interior(): self._polygon_label=polygon_label self._point=point self._vector=vector self._position=pos elif pos.is_in_edge_interior(): e=pos.get_edge() edge_v=p.edge(e) if wedge_product(edge_v,vector)<0 or is_opposite_direction(edge_v,vector): # Need to move point and vector to opposite edge. label2,e2 = self.surface().opposite_edge(polygon_label,e) similarity = self.surface().edge_transformation(polygon_label,e) point2=similarity(point) vector2=similarity.derivative()*vector self._polygon_label=label2 self._point=point2 self._vector=vector2 self._position=self.surface().polygon(label2).get_point_position(point2) else: self._polygon_label=polygon_label self._point=point self._vector=vector self._position=pos elif pos.is_vertex(): v=pos.get_vertex() # subsequent edge: edge1 = self.surface().polygon(polygon_label).edge(v) # prior edge: edge0 = self.surface().polygon(polygon_label).edge(v-1) wp1 = wedge_product(edge1,vector) wp0 = wedge_product(edge0,vector) if wp1<0 or wp0<0: raise ValueError("Singular point with vector pointing away from polygon") if wp0 == 0: # vector points backward along edge 0 label2,e2 = self.surface().opposite_edge(polygon_label,v-1) similarity = self.surface().edge_transformation(polygon_label,v-1) point2=similarity(point) vector2=similarity.derivative()*vector self._polygon_label=label2 self._point=point2 self._vector=vector2 self._position=self.surface().polygon(label2).get_point_position(point2) else: # vector points along edge1 in that directior or points into polygons interior self._polygon_label=polygon_label self._point=point self._vector=vector self._position=pos else: raise ValueError("Provided point lies outside the indexed polygon") def __repr__(self): return "SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector in polygon "+repr(self._polygon_label)+\ " based at "+repr(self._point)+" with vector "+repr(self._vector)
[docs] def surface(self): r"""Return the underlying surface.""" return self._bundle.surface()
[docs] def is_based_at_singularity(self): r""" Return the truth value of the statement 'the base point for this vector is a singularity.' """ return self._position.is_vertex()
[docs] def is_in_boundary_of_polygon(self): r""" Return the truth value of the statement 'the base point for this vector lies on the boundary of one of the polygons making up the surface.' """ return self._position.is_in_boundary()
[docs] def bundle(self): r""" Return the tangent bundle containing this vector. """ return self._bundle
[docs] def polygon_label(self): return self._polygon_label
[docs] def polygon(self): return self.surface().polygon(self.polygon_label())
[docs] def point(self): r""" Return the coordinates of the basepoint of the vector within the assigned polygon. """ return self._point
[docs] def vector(self): r""" Return the coordinates of this vector within the assigned polygon. """ return self._vector
[docs] def differs_by_scaling(self, another_tangent_vector): r""" Returns true if the other vector just differs by scaling. This means they should lie in the same polygon, be based at the same point, and point in the same direction. """ return self.polygon_label()==another_tangent_vector.polygon_label() and \ self.point()==another_tangent_vector.point() and \ is_same_direction(self.vector(),another_tangent_vector.vector())
[docs] def invert(self): r""" Returns the negation of this tangent vector. Raises a ValueError if the vector is based at a singularity.' """ if self.is_based_at_singularity(): raise ValueError("Can't invert tangent vector based at a singularity.") return SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector( self.bundle(), self.polygon_label(), self.point(), -self.vector())
[docs] def forward_to_polygon_boundary(self): r""" Flows forward (in the direction of the tangent vector) until the end of the polygon is reached. Returns the tangent vector based at the endpoint which point backward along the trajectory. NOTES:: We return the backward trajectory, because continuing forward does not make sense if a singularity is reached. You can obtain the forward vector by subsequently applying invert(). EXAMPLES:: sage: from geometry.similarity_surface_generators import SimilaritySurfaceGenerators sage: s=SimilaritySurfaceGenerators.example() sage: from geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle sage: tb = SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle(s) sage: print("Polygon 0 is "+str(s.polygon(0))) Polygon 0 is Polygon: (0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 0) sage: print("Polygon 1 is "+str(s.polygon(1))) Polygon 1 is Polygon: (0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 3) sage: from geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector sage: V=tb.surface().vector_space() sage: v=SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector(tb, 0, V((0,0)), V((3,-1))) sage: print(v) SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector in polygon 0 based at (0, 0) with vector (3, -1) sage: v2=v.forward_to_polygon_boundary() sage: print(v2) SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector in polygon 0 based at (2, -2/3) with vector (-3, 1) sage: print(v2.invert()) SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector in polygon 1 based at (2/3, 2) with vector (4, -3) """ p=self.polygon() point2,pos2 = p.flow_to_exit(self.point(), self.vector()) #diff=point2-point new_vector = SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector( self.bundle(), self.polygon_label(), point2, -self.vector()) return new_vector
[docs]class SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle: r""" Construct the tangent bundle of a given similarity surface. Needs work: We should allow the vector field to lie in an extension field of the base field. """ def __init__(self, similarity_surface): self._s=similarity_surface def __call__(self, polygon_label, point, vector): r""" Construct a tangent vector from a polygon label, a point in the polygon and a vector. The point and the vector should have coordinates in the base field.""" V = self.vector_space() return SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector(self, polygon_label, V(point), V(vector))
[docs] def base_ring(self): return self._s.base_ring()
[docs] def vector_space(self): r""" Return the vector space over the field of the bundle. """ return self._s.vector_space()
[docs] def surface(self): r"""Return the surface this bundle is over.""" return self._s
[docs] def edge(self, polygon_label, edge_index): r"""Return the vector leaving a vertex of the polygon which under straight-line flow travels counterclockwise around the boundary of the polygon along the edge with the provided index. The length of the vector matches the length of the indexed edge. EXAMPLES:: sage: from geometry.similarity_surface_generators import SimilaritySurfaceGenerators sage: s=SimilaritySurfaceGenerators.example() sage: from geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle sage: tb = SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle(s) sage: print(s.polygon(0)) Polygon: (0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 0) sage: print(tb.edge(0,0)) SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector in polygon 0 based at (0, 0) with vector (2, -2) """ polygon=self.surface().polygon(polygon_label) point=polygon.vertex(edge_index) vector=polygon.edge(edge_index) return SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector(self, polygon_label, point, vector)
[docs] def clockwise_edge(self, polygon_label, edge_index): r"""Return the vector leaving a vertex of the polygon which under straight-line flow travels *clockwise* around the boundary of the polygon along the edge with the provided index. The length of the vector matches the length of the indexed edge. Note that the point will be based in the polgon opposite the provided edge. EXAMPLES:: sage: from geometry.similarity_surface_generators import SimilaritySurfaceGenerators sage: s=SimilaritySurfaceGenerators.example() sage: from geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle sage: tb = SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle(s) sage: print("Polygon 0 is "+str(s.polygon(0))) Polygon 0 is Polygon: (0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 0) sage: print("Polygon 1 is "+str(s.polygon(1))) Polygon 1 is Polygon: (0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 3) sage: print("Opposite edge to (0,0) is "+repr(s.opposite_edge(0,0))) Opposite edge to (0,0) is (1, 1) sage: print(tb.clockwise_edge(0,0)) SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector in polygon 1 based at (2, 0) with vector (-1, 3) """ polygon=self.surface().polygon(polygon_label) point=polygon.vertex(edge_index+1) vector=-polygon.edge(edge_index) return SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector(self, polygon_label, point, vector)