Source code for geometry.straight_line_trajectory

from collections import deque

from geometry.tangent_bundle import *
from geometry.polygon import is_same_direction

[docs]class SegmentInPolygon: r""" Stores a maximal segment in a polygon of a translation surface. """ def __init__(self, tangent_vector, end_vector=None): r""" Construct a segment associated to a vector which is either inside or pointed into a polygon.""" if not end_vector is None: self._start=tangent_vector self._end=end_vector else: self._end=tangent_vector.forward_to_polygon_boundary() if tangent_vector.is_in_boundary_of_polygon(): self._start=tangent_vector else: self._start=self._end.forward_to_polygon_boundary() def __repr__(self): return "Segment in polygon "+repr(self.polygon_label())+" starting at "+\ repr(self.start_point())+" and ending at "+repr(self.end_point())
[docs] def start(self): r""" Return a TangentVector associated to the start of a trajectory pointed forward. """ return self._start
[docs] def start_point(self): return self._start.point()
[docs] def start_direction(self): return self._start.vector()
[docs] def start_is_singular(self): return self._start.is_based_at_singularity()
[docs] def end(self): r""" Return a TangentVector associated to the end of a trajectory, pointed backward. """ return self._end
[docs] def end_point(self): return self._end.point()
[docs] def end_direction(self): return self._end.vector()
[docs] def end_is_singular(self): return self._end.is_based_at_singularity()
[docs] def polygon_label(self): return self._start.polygon_label()
[docs] def invert(self): return SegmentInPolygon(self._end, end_vector=self._start)
[docs] def next(self): r""" Return the next segment obtained by continuing straight through the end point. EXAMPLES:: sage: from geometry.similarity_surface_generators import SimilaritySurfaceGenerators sage: s=SimilaritySurfaceGenerators.example() sage: from geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle sage: tb = SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle(s) sage: print("Polygon 0 is "+str(s.polygon(0))) Polygon 0 is Polygon: (0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 0) sage: print("Polygon 1 is "+str(s.polygon(1))) Polygon 1 is Polygon: (0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 3) sage: from geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector sage: V=tb.surface().vector_space() sage: v=SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector(tb, 0, V((0,0)), V((3,-1))) sage: from geometry.straight_line_trajectory import * sage: seg = SegmentInPolygon(v) sage: print(seg) Segment in polygon 0 starting at (0, 0) and ending at (2, -2/3) sage: from geometry.similarity_surface_generators import SimilaritySurfaceGenerators sage: s=SimilaritySurfaceGenerators.example() sage: from geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle sage: tb = SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle(s) sage: print("Polygon 0 is "+str(s.polygon(0))) Polygon 0 is Polygon: (0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 0) sage: print("Polygon 1 is "+str(s.polygon(1))) Polygon 1 is Polygon: (0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 3) sage: from geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector sage: V=tb.surface().vector_space() sage: v=SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector(tb, 0, V((0,0)), V((3,-1))) sage: from geometry.straight_line_trajectory import * sage: seg = SegmentInPolygon(v) sage: print(seg) Segment in polygon 0 starting at (0, 0) and ending at (2, -2/3) sage: print( Segment in polygon 1 starting at (2/3, 2) and ending at (14/9, 4/3) """ if self.end_is_singular(): raise ValueError("Cannot continue from singularity") return SegmentInPolygon(self._end.invert())
[docs] def previous(self): if self.end_is_singular(): raise ValueError("Cannot continue from singularity") return SegmentInPolygon(self._start.invert()).invert()
[docs]class StraightLineTrajectory: r""" Abstract class for a straight-line trajectory. """ def __init__(self, tangent_vector): self._segments=deque() seg = SegmentInPolygon(tangent_vector) self._segments.append(seg) self._setup_forward() self._setup_backward()
[docs] def segments(self): return self._segments
[docs] def combinatorial_length(self): return len(self.segments())
def _setup_forward(self): v=self.terminal_tangent_vector() if v.is_based_at_singularity(): self._forward=None else: self._forward=v.invert() def _setup_backward(self): v=self.initial_tangent_vector() if v.is_based_at_singularity(): self._backward=None else: self._backward=v.invert()
[docs] def initial_segment(self): return self._segments[0]
[docs] def terminal_segment(self): return self._segments[-1]
[docs] def initial_tangent_vector(self): return self.initial_segment().start()
[docs] def terminal_tangent_vector(self): return self.terminal_segment().end()
[docs] def is_forward_separatrix(self): return self._forward is None
[docs] def is_backward_separatrix(self): return self._backward is None
[docs] def is_saddle_connection(self): return (self._forward is None) and (self._backward is None)
[docs] def is_closed(self): return (not self.is_forward_separatrix()) and \ self._forward.differs_by_scaling(self.initial_tangent_vector())
def __str__(self): return "StraightLineTrajectory"+str(self._segments)
[docs] def flow(self, steps): r""" Append or preprend segments to the trajectory. If steps is positive, attempt to append this many segments. If steps is negative, attempt to prepent this many segments. Will fail gracefully the trajectory hits a singularity or closes up. EXAMPLES:: sage: from geometry.similarity_surface_generators import SimilaritySurfaceGenerators sage: s=SimilaritySurfaceGenerators.example() sage: from geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle sage: tb = SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle(s) sage: print("Polygon 0 is "+str(s.polygon(0))) Polygon 0 is Polygon: (0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 0) sage: print("Polygon 1 is "+str(s.polygon(1))) Polygon 1 is Polygon: (0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 3) sage: from geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector sage: V=tb.surface().vector_space() sage: v=SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector(tb, 0, V((1,-0.5)), V((3,-1))) sage: from geometry.straight_line_trajectory import * sage: traj = StraightLineTrajectory(v) sage: print(traj) StraightLineTrajectorydeque([Segment in polygon 0 starting at (1/4, -1/4) and ending at (2, -5/6)]) sage: traj.flow(1) sage: print(traj) StraightLineTrajectorydeque([Segment in polygon 0 starting at (1/4, -1/4) and ending at (2, -5/6), Segment in polygon 1 starting at (7/12, 7/4) and ending at (61/36, 11/12)]) sage: traj.flow(-1) sage: print(traj) StraightLineTrajectorydeque([Segment in polygon 1 starting at (15/16, 45/16) and ending at (9/8, 21/8), Segment in polygon 0 starting at (1/4, -1/4) and ending at (2, -5/6), Segment in polygon 1 starting at (7/12, 7/4) and ending at (61/36, 11/12)]) """ while steps>0 and \ (not self.is_forward_separatrix()) and \ (not self.is_closed()): self._segments.append(SegmentInPolygon(self._forward)) self._setup_forward() steps -= 1 while steps<0 and \ (not self.is_backward_separatrix()) and \ (not self.is_closed()): self._segments.appendleft(SegmentInPolygon(self._backward).invert()) self._setup_backward() steps += 1